Global Radio
Global Radio is a well-oiled media machine that knows the value of star-power better than any other client. There’s not a lot of time for ‘the big idea’ but they certainly want to grab people’s attention and can give you access to the kind of talent other brands can only dream of.
Capital Xtra
This was a fun fast-turnaround project to launch Capital Xtra, the new home for hip hop, grime and RnB in the Global Radio family.
The reach of these commercial stations is extremely broad so frequently they are restricted to only the biggest, pop-tastic tunes. Capital Xtra is different, part of it’s remit is to champion new and undiscovered urban artists so our spot, masterfully directed by Sam Pilling, was all about capturing that unique feeling of discovering new music.
These spots were an annual occurrence during the 2010s and were incredibly effective in reminding people of Capital’s scale and status. All the strategic insight in the world can’t compete with Rihanna saying she listens to your radio station.
This stuff requires you to work differently. You get 5 minutes with each artist (if you’re lucky) and just need to improvise an edit from what they were willing to say.
Disclaimer: Lots of the artists featured here were pretty big deals back in 2013, trust me. Also, we clearly underused Ed Sheeran, thinking maybe he’d amount to nothing.
Made with the band at WCRS. Special encores galore for Ross Neil (Creative Director) and Yonca Yilmaz & Dunja Opalka (Creatives, Xtra)