
My first real taste of what truly great experiential marketing can be. Exposure’s first Corporate Reputation campaign for Samsung, Project Plant was a labour of love but worth all the blood, sweat and tomatoes it took to bring it to life.

Bringing tech and nature together to celebrate the possibilities of small-space growing.

Crucially, the experience shamelessly leveraged humanity’s universal love of pizza at the same time.

Project Plant, the UK’s first urban farm-to-table pizzeria


Exposure were tasked with supporting Samsung’s corporate reputation programme and bringing to life the brand ethos of #DoWhatYouCant in a way that was meaningful and would resonate with Gen Z. Project Plant explores what can happen when technology and small-space growing work together. How small changes can help us to be kinder to the environment and encourage us to think about the ways we produce, shop and consume.

We partnered with Green Lab to build an urban farm in Hackney powered by Samsung tech. Then we threw our restaurant partner, Purezza, into the mix and gave visitors the opportunity to harvest their own toppings to whip up into a personalised pizza on-site.

The Exposure team spearheaded a truly integrated plan, combining paid and native social with influencer marketing that amplified the experience online. The agency’s earned media specialists led the outreach and generated 203 pieces of coverage, including many national titles. The event itself sold out in days and, most importantly, led to a +88% brand tracking uplift amongst Gen Z.

The activity won Best B2C Experience at the 2022 Campaign Experience Awards

Grown and nurtured by the team at Exposure. Extra slices go to Sam Dixon (Client Partner), Lynsey Adamson (Director of Comms), Luke Norton (Creative) and Lynsey McAlister (Head of Production)



