
I joined the Ray-Ban team to help deliver a whirlwind production in South Africa just before COVID-19 hit. It was my first experience of an apparel or fashion shoot and a real eye-opener in more ways than one. The work struck a new tone for the brand and finally saw the light of day in December 2020 across multiple markets worldwide.

You’re On

We all know that unique feeling that comes with rocking a pair of sunglasses the suit us just right. We might not all suddenly become James Dean or Miles Davis, but life definitely feels a little more effortless and exciting. You’re On was all about celebrating that feeling and (whisper it) putting a bit of fun back into the po-faced world of sunglasses marketing.

Through social and in-store visuals the work championed characters in their element, Ray-Bans on, being the best version of themselves. From a pinball barfly bashing her way through a game with pure intuition and style, to a group of friends defying gravity and logic by bobbing their broken down car up and over a hill, each asset reminded the audience that with a pair of Ray-Bans on, the best way is always your own.

It was fantastic to see just how much well-crafted content can come from one shoot when the core idea is so simple and creatively rich. We had TVC crews working alongside digital and social teams, as well a stills shoot that was required to capture shots for almost every format imaginable.

It was one of those PPMs that last 6 hours.

Made with those cool cats at Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam. Special head-bobs for Jake Barnes & Riccardo Rachello (Creatives) and Gustav von Platen (Digital Director/Motion Designer)



