
It’s not often you get the chance to work, not only with a brand that you personally admire, but one that’s still evolving every day. Airbnb was on the eve of it’s 10th birthday when Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam partnered with their EMEA team. Over the next two years we broke new ground with a sustainable message whilst generating positive sentiment and growth in key European markets - all as the company prepared to go public.

First Night on Us

How can you reconnect people with richness and diversity of their own country at a time of national division?

In September 2019 we launched the ‘First Night on Us’ initiative which saw Airbnb offering to cover the cost of one night in selected towns and villages across both countries. This unprecedented offer was the first of its kind by the brand, allowing people to get out there and discover the kinds of hidden gems that don’t traditionally experience the benefits of mainstream tourism.

Things kicked off with a rallying cry delivered across cinema, social and digital out-of-home by an Airbnb Host to their fellow countrymen and women. Over a four-week period, additional social films and Time Out partnerships shone a light on the selected destinations and invited prospective travelers to visit Airbnb at a specific time to bag a limited number of free nights.

In total, more than a thousand free nights were given away and the campaign generated a lot of positive conversation in both countries. It saw an overall increase in favorability in both markets, as well as the highest year-on-year growth in visitors and on-site searches. (2).gif (3).gif (4).gif (5).gif

How was your holiday?

We challenged a nation that takes holidays extremely seriously to travel in an entirely new way, with Airbnb’s first ever dedicated brand campaign for Germany. The work, which explored how Airbnb can help you rediscover your favourite holiday destination in an entirely new way, exceeded goals for consideration, engagement and uplift in organic bookings.


Being a good neighbour

Living and working in Amsterdam you’re never too far away from a a discussion or debate about Airbnb’s impact on the city. However, whether through its Office of Healthy Tourism or policy campaigns such as the ones we developed for Berlin and Amsterdam, there can be no doubt that Airbnb are committed to engaging with local communities and authorities whenever possible.

These things are never simple, especially when you have grown at the rate Airbnb has and become the unofficial ‘poster-brand’ for all short-term lettings. All I can say is that working first-hand with the policy team at Airbnb has been one of the most positive and professionally stimulating periods of my career.

The above was made possible by a cast of thousands at Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam, but a special shout-out must go to Freddie Young (Digital Strategy).



